Paris Lockdown - 30 Chic Days

A Chic Paris Lockdown – Day 5 – A Safe Space to Dream

In Fiona Ferris’s book, 30 Chic Days, Day 5’s title is “Create and Guard Your Secret Garden.” The idea is that each of us needs a sanctuary – internal and/or external – where we can dream and create free from external input (even if the input is positive). We give ourselves the mental space to build creativity and happiness into our daily lives when we set aside a quiet spot (either internally or externally or both) that is only for our positive, imaginative thoughts whatever they might be.  Fiona’s suggestion to keep this “garden” private is quite perceptive. I find that I have experienced similar reactions as she discusses in the chapter – where the energy of a just begining creative idea seems to leak away if I discuss it too early. Maybe our ideas and day-dreams need a little protected incubation time before they are ready to be shared?

I was thinking of Fiona’s idea early this morning as I poured my coffee into my travel mug, put on my coat and scarf – complete with attestation form & ID tucked into a pocket – and walked out onto the chilly, empty Paris streets of my quartier (neighborhood.)  I had only walked half a block when I realized that I was in “my secret garden” space! My morning walks before the rest of my house wakes up and breakfast chores and the days business begins is my form of Fiona’s secret garden.  I call them my “gratitude walks” and they are the quiet time at the begining of my day when my mind starts the day on a positive note. (No negative thoughts allowed!) The title “gratitude walk” came from a very dear and wise friend who starts her day with an intentional gratitude walk. She uses it specifically to reflect on all the many things that she is grateful for in her life. Well, once she shared her name for it, I seized both the title and the great intention. 

I find that the act of deliberately starting my day with the intention and the set-aside time to notice all the good things in my life and all the beauty around me opens up my mind to a feeling of joy. Right behind the joy comes a feeling of freedom to day-dream and visualize whatever is inspiring to me at that time.

Another “secret garden” that I know of belongs to my sister.  She is very creative with needle work, knitting and crochet. I can see in her face the sheer fun and freedom she experiences when trying new stitches and creating beautiful things. She has mentioned how she enjoys both the creative challenge and the free flow of thoughts that she has as she is crafting (Note: I am expecially blessed because I get to be the happy recipient of some of her lovely creations!)

Looking back over the past paragraphs, I see the word freedom pop up several times.  I’ve been feeling particularly physically confined recently with the emphasis (by both myself and the different governments involved) to self-isolate and to stay home.  Fiona’s Day 5 “Secret Garden” idea gives us a mental refuge where we can allow our minds and imaginations to run free with our creative, positive dreams.  So, thanks, Fiona – I needed the reminder that there are many forms of freedom!

Baking update: Audrey Kirchner (of gifted my family and me with the Cook’s Illustrated Best Light Recipes Light Oatmeal Cookie recipe! (Sadly, the recipe is not listed in Cook’s Illustrated On-line recipe database.) No fear – the internet yielded Audrey’s write-up and she graciously responded to my recipe questions on weights.  Yesteday was “comfort” oatmeal cookie day and they were as delicious as always. (By the way, I did not have to worry about eating too many cookies – the other inhabitants of the apartment emptied the cookie sheets as the cookies were cooling.) Today’s baking plan includes lemon madeleines (and probably more oatmeal cookies.)

What’s cooking at your house during this crazy time?