Parisian Chic

How To Be Chic & Elegant by Marie Anne La Coeur.

Short, to the point, on target. The voice of a stylish Parisian “woman of a certain age” who gives us terrific life and style advice in a blunt, no-nonsense manner. The author will have the reader looking at her own closet and style habits with a more discerning eye.


Joie de Vivre: Secrets of Wining, Dining & Romancing Like the French  by Harriet Welty Rochefort.

Humorous, charming and wise, Rochefort shows how to celebrate life and our own uniqueness no matter where we are in life. The author had me chuckling with her lovely anecdotes at the same time as I took notes of her easy to implement ideas for up-scaling my thoughts and style habits. I especially liked her her focus on noticing and celebrating the “small” things like dinner with friends.