Paris Lockdown - 30 Chic Days

A Chic Paris Lockdown – Day 26 – Making Magic in Ordinary

Cherry Blossoms and the Eiffel Tower this Easter Morning.

“Make Every Day Magical” is the title for Day 26 in Fiona Ferris’s book, 30 Chic Days. Fiona encourages us to notice this day and this moment. There is some part of today that is special right now. She writes that sometimes we can become so “big occasion” focused that we miss out on the many magical moments that are happening all around us. Fiona writes that paying attention to the little good things in her day as well as having small and medium-sized occasions to look forward to increases her overall enjoyment of life.

Fiona’s experience is echoed by Gretchen Rubin in her book, The Happiness Project. Gretchen writes that to really wring every drop of happiness from an event (big or small) we should do four things:

  1. anticipate the experience. Think about it, plan it, look forward to it.
  2. savor the experience as it unfolds. Really be present for the whole experience. (Put the cell phone away. Turn off the TV or computer.)
  3. express happiness during the experience. Say out loud that you are having fun or really enjoying whatever it is.
  4. recall happy memories. After the event, talk about how much fun you had or how nice it was.

This morning, I tried Fiona’s and Gretchen’s idea. Today is Easter Sunday here in Paris. The country is under lockdown so there are no gatherings or church services as would typically be the case. Before I left the apartment, I made sure that I was dressed, hair brushed, had my hot coffee in my travel mug and had my mandated form and ID to be outside.  As I was making my coffee, I thought about where I wanted to walk and what pretty things I might see. (Anticipating the event.) As I was walking to Place du Trocadero, I made sure to look around and really notice the route – the architecture, the quiet streets, the morning light on the buildings.  (Savoring) As I paused under the branches of a cherry blossom tree, I startled a fat pigeon when I spoke aloud, “This is gorgeous!” (Expressing happiness in the moment.)  I took a couple of photos. Then I walked to a boulangerie near my apartment to pick up the morning baguette and croissants. Later at breakfast, I made sure to show my photos and talk about how much I enjoyed my morning walk. (Remembering the happy moment.)

Did I enjoy my morning walk today more than I usually do? Well, I do love my quiet morning walks but I can say that yes, I feel like I squeezed even more joy out of my lovely morning walk than I usually do.

It’s been a stressful past week here in Paris. The numbers of people getting sick are still high. Lockdown here will probably continue late into this Spring (or maybe Summer.)  The state of things in the US and the UK looks alarming. There is a lot of stuff (over which I have zero control) to worry about if I choose to focus my attention in those directions.  Instead, I think I will follow Fiona and Gretchen’s advice and focus on maximizing my joy in this day.