Paris Lockdown 2 - 30 Days At Home

A Chic Paris Lockdown – Part 2: Day 17 – What’s On The Life List?

 November 19, 2020

The market street early this morning.

In 30 Chic Days At Home by Fiona Ferris, Day (Chapter) 17 is “Set your goals.” In this “day,” Fiona describes her lists of things that she wants to do. There are three goal lists; “Now,” “Next,” and “Future.”  The Now list has the items that she wants to achieve in the present. The Next list is comprised of those things that she wants to get started on once she finishes the items on the Now list. The Future list is for big, exciting, pie-in-the-sky type things that inspire her to plan and work on achieving big, long-term things.

This is another one of Fiona’s ideas that’s a lot deeper than it sounds at first. The “Now” list is more than just a daily to-do/grocery shopping list. The way Fional describes it, the “Now” list is made up of the small, implementation steps  that move her towards the achievement of her dream goals. Maybe several years ago, she had a big, exciting goal on her “Future” list. The “Now” list of today is comprised of the tasks that actually are getting her to that goal.

For the first time in a very long time,  I don’t have a “Future” list. My “Now” and “Next” lists are made up of things like go to the grocery store or download a book from my on-line library.  I had very detailed “Next” and “Future” lists not so long ago. I either achieved the items that were really important to me or I didn’t. Now, I look at the few remaining “bottom of the list” items and I can see that the goals and I are happy to wave good by to each other.  These days, it seems like I’m in an in-between time.

Fiona’s list idea has caught my attention. Maybe I should sit with a blank piece of paper and pen and ask myself what are my new dreams? (I’m in the midst of France’s second national lockdown, I certainly have the time!)

In other news, I massacred the keto pizza crust last night. It turned out a greyish, sodden mess even though I had baked it on a pizza tray. I already have the ingredients to try it again in a few days.  The plan is more baking time for the crust and flipping it over to bake on the other side, too (no matter that I’m using a pizza tray that supposedly gets rid of that requirement!)  The first attempt was qutie successful, this second attempt was a complete dud. I’m crossing my fingers that the third attempt will be both tasty and have lovely crisp pizza crust edges.

I saw this stunning display of pastries at my favorite boulangerie this morning. Every day, all over France, boulangeries/patisseries set out these miniture art exhibits as a matter of course. I love to admire them as I walk in to get the morning fresh croissant and/or baguette.

Beautiful pastries cunningly displayed using upside down coffee cups.
Treats to take away as gifts this holiday season. Note: the paper leaves as display decorations – who wouldn’t be drawn to these cakes and cookies?