Paris Lockdown 2 - 30 Days At Home

A Chic Paris Lockdown – Part 2: Day 25 – Go For A Walk

 November 27, 2020

A lovely corner building with lots of architectural decoration.

Fiona Ferris calls Day 25, “Move it baby!” in her book, 30 Chic Days At Home. For her lockdown period in New Zealand in the Spring of 2020, she tried to keep active in some fashion each day. She writes how much better she feels, both mentally and physically, after following along with a yoga or pilates video on YouTube.

I don’t do yoga or pilates (yet! I may give them a try…) but living here in Paris, I do plenty of walking each day. I wear a step counter so I can keep an eye on how active I am over time. Even in France’s second lockdown with only being able to move around within 1 square kilometer from one’s residence, just going through my (shortened) daily routine still yields plenty of steps. My morning “gratitude” walk plus running to the market street or going to get a baguette usually puts me at about 10,000 steps per day. (During regular, non-lockdown life, when I am free to wander over more of Paris, my daily average is between 18,000 and 23,000 steps per day. The nice thing is that I don’t even notice how much walking we do.) Paris is definitely a walking city – everyone is out and moving around as a matter of course.

This morning, I overslept so my gratitude walk came after I cooked breakfast and got the children off to school. It was lovely to walk around Parc du Ranelagh at a different hour of the morning! I also admired some different buildings (that I usually can’t see so well in the earlier, darker hours.) It was fun to change up the routine a bit. By the time I returned to the apartment (after stopping by the market street, of course), I felt mentally and emotionally refreshed and ready to get going on the rest of my morning.

I hope everyone is enjoying a happy post-Thanksgiving day and lots of tasty left-overs!

A pretty building facade. How lucky for the residents – on the street level is a wonderful boulangerie!



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