Coffee with Winston Churchill
40 Ways to Look at Winston Churchill by Gretchen Rubin. A terrific introduction to the towering, complicated Winston Churchill. Rubin combines a warm, conversational writing style with exacting research. The book reads like a light, easy chat. The author’s tone is so relaxed and personable, one almost takes for granted Rubin’s quality and density of critical analysis. Churchill was described as “larger than life” even during his own lifetime. Rubin does an excellent job in introducing the reader to the ever fascinating, vivid, charming, difficult, tumultuous Winston Churchill.
Coffee with Ben Franklin
Benjamin Franklin, An American Life, by Walter Isaacson I was feeling a bit sluggish and dull this morning and decided that I needed interesting and charming company to help get my brain moving. I turned to that famously charming genius, Ben Franklin, to add some sparkle to my day. Happily, I had downloaded a highly regarded biography, Benjamin Franklin, An American Life, by Walter Isaacson several months ago. Mr. Isaacson and Mr. Franklin do not disappoint. They both combine practical common sense and historical acumen with a light & witty touch. I had not realized that Franklin was such a prolific writer even early on in his life. I…