
  • Books,  Life&Style

    Inspiration and Creativity as Springboards to a Beautifully-Lived Life

     Want to add a sparkle to your day? Read Thirty More Chic Days: Creating an Inspired Mindset for a Magical Life by Fiona Ferris. Ferris offers a month of ideas that will turbocharge your inner Parisian chic-ster (and upgrade your daily life experience.) Each chapter represents a day in the month. And each day, the author presents an idea to “up-level” the reader’s ordinary life experience. Whether it’s an idea to free one’s creativity or an idea to set aside a little time for additional self-care, each nugget of advice is gently and persuasively described. One cannot help but be inspired by the author’s sense of enthusiasm and ingenuity! Her…

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  • Books,  Life&Style

    Sleep -vs- Calm

      I tried a “schedule” experiment a few weeks ago. I read Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning: The Not So Obvious Secret Guarenteed to Transform Your Life and decided to try his 30-day challenge. Here is Elrod’s basic message: how we START our day basically sets the course for how our day goes. Start our day by scrambling out of bed late and panic-stricken (because we hit the snooze button too many times) and we tend to continue on a scrambling, chaotic-feeling course for the whole day. Start our day with a short series of activities that brings us to a calm, focused, grateful mental state and we move through…

  • Books,  Life&Style

    Road Rage or Inner Peace?

     Joy on Demand by Chade-Meng Tan. So how do we spend our time when caught in traffic or trapped in the slowest line ever experienced in the history of mankind? Tan gives us some ideas on how to creatively use these brief (or not so) interludes in our busy days. Humorous and thoughtful, Tan offers unusual wisedom and good advice presented in gentle, bite-sized nuggets. I’ve tried his approach to line-survival (the 20-second meditation on loving-kindness) and can honestly report that it works! I could feel my tension seep away as I breathed slowly and focused on the positive intention of sending the (very) slow clerk thoughts of loving-kindness.  It…

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  • Books,  Life&Style

    Younger Next Year & Thinner This Year, What’s Not to Love?

    Laugh-out-loud funny, irreverent, thought-provoking Chris Crowley (and Henry Lodge, MD, and Jennifer Sachek, PhD) will have you snickering your way to a healthier, happier & more youthful you – no matter what your age or stage of life is. Chris, Harry and Jen have my sweetheart and me rethinking the next stage of our life. And with Chris driving the discussion, it’s a hilarious and encouraging experience. The topic is deep – what do we think our last third of our lives will like and exactly how do we want to be living it? Chris definitely got us thinking and even more important, through his boisterous good humor and wily…

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  • Books,  Life&Style


     The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  Only for people who love both living their life and analyzing it. A deceptively easy read as the author  re-evaluates her assumptions & actions in important areas of her own life – all from the perspective of “does this add to my happiness overall?” A very perceptive as well as humorous look at the quirkiness of being human. Note: The author’s insight and humor inspired me to make notes and plans for my own “Happiness Project.”